EMI “SNIFFER†PROBE Focus: A test probe was developed to identify sources of EMI in switched-mode power supplies. This probe has several performance advantages over simple pickup looks including better spatial resolution, higher sensitivity, a 50-ohm source termination to minimize signal reflections, and a Faraday shields to minimize pickup of electric fields. Measurement techniques and solutions for common EMI problems are discussed.
What you’ll learn: - How to locate and identify magnetic field sources of EMI in electronic circuits
Notes: Sniffer probe is presented on page 54 of Linear technology's Application Note 70. Also, see "Sniffer probe locates sources of EMI" in June 4, 1998 issue of EDN magazine, accessible online at http://www.edn.com/archives/1998/060498/12df_04.htm .
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Author & Publication: Bruce Carsten, Bruce Carsten Associates, Vendor website, Oct 01 1997
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