FREE ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT DESIGN AND SIMULATION SOFTWARE, POWER SUPPLY CALCULATORS, CAD PROGRAMS, PSPICE MODELING, AND OTHER ENGINEERING DESIGN TOOLS Focus: Lazar Rozenblat offers his guide to circuit design and simulation software for power supply designers, including both general-purpose and vendor-specific tools. His brief introduction to the topic of circuit simulation discusses the role of Spice, what capabilities are offered by commercial software packages, and the limitations that are usually associated with free circuit simulation tools. He then provides brief descriptions and links to various circuit design and simulation tools as well as power supply calculators and spreadsheets.
What you’ll learn: - How to understand what options are available for power supply design simulation
Notes: No publication date specified. Page indicates copyright 2003-2005,2009.
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Author & Publication: Lazar Rozenblat, LAZAR''s POWER ELECTRONICS GUIDE, Jan 01 2003
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