ELECTRICAL POWER TRANSFORMER AND INDUCTOR; DESIGN, CALCULATION, THEORY, TUTORIALS, AND OTHER INFORMATION Focus: Lazar Rozenblat offers an excellent guide to magnetics design for the power supply designer. On the first page, he introduces the basic operating principles of transformers, inductors, and chokes used in switched-mode power supplies, discusses some key design tradeoffs for these components, and presents the formulas for maximum flux density for coils driven with various popular voltage waveforms. He then provides links for more detailed information on all aspects of power magnetics design including links to the materials from the Unitrode seminars on magnetics.
What you’ll learn: - How to understand principles governing operation of transformers, inductors, and chokes used in switched-mode power supplies
- How to locate resources and tools for magnetic component design
Notes: No publication date specified. Page indicates copyright 2004,2009.
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Author & Publication: Lazar Rozenblat, LAZAR''s POWER ELECTRONICS GUIDE, Jan 01 2004
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