Vacuum cleaner with Philips P89LPC901 Focus: A low-cost MCU-controlled power supply design drives an 1800-W universal motor via a Triac for
vacuum cleaner applications. This low component count design, which is based on the Philips
P89LPC901 microcontroller, provides speed control and "robust control" plus the following
features: a soft-start algorithm to reduce surge current at turn on, soft switching during
changes in motor speed, and modification of the Triac fire pulse to suppress harmonics and meet
the IEC61000-3-2 standard. Both hardware and software for the vacuum cleaner application are
described. This design can also be extended to lamp and power tool applications.
What you’ll learn: - How to build a low-cost microcontroller-based power supply for Triac-driven universal motors
- How to reduce start up current and harmonics when using a Triac to control the speed of a
universal motor
Notes: NXP Application Note AN10496
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Author & Publication: no author listed, NXP, Vendor website, Aug 10 2006
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