Distributed Low Voltage Power Supply System for Front End Electronics of the TRT Detector in ATLAS Experiment Focus: A low-voltage power supply system using commercially available power supplies and adjustable linear regulators was developed to power the front-end electronics in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) detector in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The system is designed to tolerate the radiation and magnetic fields present in the LHC experimental cavern. Following a discussion of the application's power requirements, a power system architecture is presented. It consists of bulk power supplies (WIENER's MARATON power system) and radiation-hardened adjustable linear regulators (members of STMicroelectronics' LHC(X)913 family). Design of the power system hardware and system control software are described in detail and test results are presented.
What you’ll learn: - How to design a low-voltage power supply system for high-energy physics experiments using radiation tolerant power supplies and linear regulators
Notes: Presented at the 12th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiments.
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Author & Publication: E.Bana (a), P.Farthouat (b), Z.Hajduk (a), B.Kisielewski (a), P.Lichard (b), J.Olszowska (a), V.Ryjov (b), L.Cardiel Sas (b); (a) = Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Cracow, Poland; (b)= CERN, 121, Conference paper, Sep 25 2006
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