Evaluation and testing of advanced low-voltage power supplies Focus: Low-voltage power supplies are required to power the front-end electronics in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) detectors. These supplies must be tolerant of the magnetic fields and radiation present in the cavern close to the detector. One solution is to deploy commercially available low-voltage power supplies. This article discusses the evaluation of multi-module power supply systems from Wiener and CAEN. Specifically, the article evaluates Wiener's MARATON (Magnetism and Radiation TOlerant New) floating multi-channel high-density power supply system and CAEN's EASY (Embedded Assembly SYstem) low-voltage power supply system. Tests were performed to verify the electrical specifications of these supplies. Environmental tests were performed to determine the magnetic field tolerance and radiation tolerance of the supplies in the targeted LHC experiments. Environmental test set ups are described, test results are presented, and power supply modifications required to meet magnetic field and radiation tolerance specifications are described
What you’ll learn: - How to evaluate low-voltage power supplies for use in high-energy physics experiments
- How to evaluate magnetic field tolerance and radiation tolerance of low-voltage power supplies
Notes: Presented at the 12th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiments.
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Author & Publication: B. Allongue, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland, Conference paper, Sep 25 2006
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