Reduce Circuit Zapping From Cosmic Radiation Focus: Power semiconductors such as MOSFETs and IGBTs and to a lesser extent rectifiers are vulnerable to a failure mechanism known as single-event burnout (SEB), which is caused by cosmic radiation. Because SEB failures produce damage that is similar to other failure modes, individual SEB failures cannot be identified after the fact. However, by understanding the SEB failure mechanism and factors that influence SEB, designers can analyze the likelihood of SEB in their applications and minimize risk accordingly. The SEB mechanism and factors affecting SEB are explained here.
What you’ll learn: - How to assess and mitigate the risks of single-event burnout (SEB) for power transistors and rectifiers used in your application
- How to understand the single-event burnout failure mode in power transistors and rectifiers
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Author & Publication: Jonathan Dodge, Applications Engineering Manager, Power Products Group, Microsemi, Bend, Ore. , Power Electronics Technology, Sep 01 2007
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