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Minimize Losses in Solar Panels, Rectifier technology maximizes efficiency


Bypass diodes are critical to the operation solar panels. These diodes providing an alternative conduction path when one of the panel's PV modules is not conducting, and block reverse conduction and minimize leakage current. However, the PN junction diodes that are typically used as bypass diodes have a high forward voltage of 0.6 V, which leads to power losses that limit the efficiency of the solar panels to a typical value of 20%. A new diode technology presented here, the Super Barrier Rectifier is built in a MOS process that enables it achieve a lower forward voltage of 0.38 V for reduced power losses. It also meets requirements for low leakage current and high reliability at high temperatures.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to improve the efficiency of solar panels by using Super Barrier Rectifiers as bypass diodes


Article is found on pages 51-53 of the January 2008 issue in the Power Systems Design archive. To access the archive, you must log in as a member of the PSD Community at

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Author & Publication:

Ian Moulding, Business Manager, Diodes Incorporated, Power Systems Design Europe, Dec 01 2008

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