Understanding the Noise Issue Out of Inductor Based DC-DC Converter Focus: In switching regulator circuits, the combination of high-frequency switching and circuit parasitics produces voltage spikes that lead to EMI, which may disturb the performance of noise sensitive applications such as cell phones and other portable applications. Using filters to suppress the voltage spikes is not easy, so it's important to understand the causes of these voltage spikes and analyze their possible impact (in terms of EMI) on the application. This analysis also serves to assess the impact of different control methods and switching regulator ICs on EMI. In the application note, the EMI performance of two boost converter LED driver ICs that use pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) control (NCP5007 and NCP5005) is analyzed and compared with that of a boost converter IC using pulse width modulation (PWM) control.
What you’ll learn: - How to assess the risk of EMI in boost converter designs
- How to understand the causes of voltage spikes and EMI in switching regulator circuits
Notes: ON Semiconductor Application Note AND8172/D
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Author & Publication: Michael Bairanzade, ON Semiconductor, Vendor website, Feb 01 2008
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