SWITCHING MODE POWER SUPPLY (SMPS) TOPOLOGIES OVERVIEW, COMPARISON AND SELECTION GUIDE Focus: Topology charts are a popular way to compare the characteristics of different power supply topologies. Lazar Rozenblat's chart includes nonisolated types: buck, boost, flyback, Cuk, SEPIC and isolated types: flyback, 2-switch flyback, forward, 2-switch forward, active-clamp forward, half-bridge, push-pull, full-bridge, and phase-shifted full-bridge. For each topology, the chart shows a diagram, dc transfer function, max switch voltage, peak switch current, max rectifier voltage, average rectifier current, and switch utilization ratio. Following the chart, Rozenblat gives general guidelines for choosing a topology along with his more specific recommendations for choosing a topology for a downstream dc-dc converter in an offline switching power supply using output power level as the criterion.
What you’ll learn: - How to select a power supply topology (overview)
- How to select a dc-dc converter topology for use in an offline switched-mode power supply with 60 V or less output voltage
Notes: No publication date is listed. Web page lists Copyright 2008.
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Author & Publication: Lazar Rozenblat, LAZAR''s POWER ELECTRONICS GUIDE, Jan 01 2008
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