The Dark Force Of Evil In Electronics: Electromagnetic Interference Focus: This tutotial on electromagnetic interference (EMI) provides a comprehensive overview of what EMI is, the different types (such as conducted and radiated, near-field and far-field, narrowband and broadband, common mode and differential mode), and the types of circuits and equipment that produce EMI. Techniques for lessening the impact of EMI (filtering, shielding, and grounding) are discussed with attention to pc-board layout issues and cabling. Test equipment required for measuring the radiated and conducted EMI produced by a device under test, basic rules for EMI testing, and some popular standards are also discussed.
What you’ll learn: - How to understand the different types of EMI, its sources, techniques for reducing EMI, and test techniques for measuring EMI
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Author & Publication: Louis E. Frenzel, Communications Editor, Electronic Design, Jun 25 2009
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