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Flared Pin Fin Heat Sink Keeps LED Light Burning Brightly


An inadequate cooling solution threatened to limit the performance of an LED lighting module. The aluminum extrusion heat sink that was used to cool the 65-W LED module allowed a temperature rise beyond the module's allowed temperature limit. To improve cooling, tests were conducted on the extrusion and two pin fin heat sinks. As described in this case-study, a flared pin fin heat sink of similar size to the extrusion offered significantly lower thermal resistance than the extrusion and met the temperature spec of the application. Results described here may be applied to power devices that, like the LED module, require natural convection cooling.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to improve heat sink performance under natural convection by using a flared pin fin heat sink

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Author & Publication:

Barry Dagan, P.E., Cool Innovations, Concord, Ontario, Canada, How2Power Today, Feb 19 2010

This article summary appears
in the HOW2POWER Design Guide.

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