Universities See Continued Demand For Graduates Of Power Electronics Programs Focus: In this column I usually explore opportunities in power electronics from an industry perspective. I typically speak with recruiters and engineering managers in a particular industry such as automotive and ask them about their requirements for power electronics (PE) engineers. This time, I went searching for a different perspective, that of the universities who are graduating engineers from dedicated power electronics programs. The message I have been hearing from industry is that such power electronics programs are too few and they are not producing enough power electronics engineers to go around—at least not in the U.S. In speaking with staff and faculty at a few American universities, I hoped to find out whether this demand was reflected in the recruiting of their graduates. I also wanted to get some insights into the types of companies or industries that were recruiting PE engineers, and whether there were any emerging trends in that regard. And finally, I was curious about what impact if any, the recession has had on corporate efforts to attract these new engineers.
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Author & Publication: David G. Morrison, Editor, How2Power.com, How2Power Today, Jul 01 2010
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