Answering your Questions about Power Design  

Flexible Power Transmission


This article discusses "how recent breakthroughs in world power transmission systems have led to an imperative in the United States to develop a more intelligent, flexible, long-haul transmission network that has the ability to carry renewable energy from remote locations to major population centers." Article discusses impact of Renewable Portfolio Standards on build out of renewable energy generation in the US, the need for increased transmission capacity to ensure grid reliability and to permit widespread deployment of renewable energy generation. Much of the article focuses on high voltage direct current (HVDC) and HVDC light power transmission technologies discussing their benefits and projects deploying these technologies in the US, Europe, and China. To a lesser extent, the article discusses flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), their benefits and example projects. Europe's and China's recent successes in developing advanced transmission technologies are contrasted with the situation in the US where "many transmission projects have not yet overcome regulatory hurdles." However, the article concludes with an example of how these hurdles are being overcome in Texas. Article includes photos of FACTS and HVDC systems.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to understand the benefits of HVDC and FACTS systems in the improvement of power transmission capacity
  • How to understand the need for increased power transmission capacity as a pre-requisite for widespread deployment of renewable energy


Article is found on pages 18-23 of the September 2010 issue in the Power Systems Design archive. To access the archive, you must log in as a member of the PSD Community at

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Author & Publication:

Martin Gross, Global Head of Grid Systems Business, ABB, Power Systems Design Europe, Sep 01 2010

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