Ultrasound Poses Ultimate Test of Low-Noise Design Skills Focus: As in many other industries, companies in the medical equipment field that once designed and
built their own ac-dc power supplies, now turn to power supply and contract manufacturers to
develop and produce them. However, in these applications, the task of power design does not end
with specification of the ac-dc supply, as there are significant power conversion challenges at
the board-level. Examples of these challenges can be found in ultrasound imaging equipment
where designers face exceptionally tough requirements for noise control in a product one
industry expert describes as “the world’s most sensitive receiver.†This article discusses how
the requirement for low noise influences many aspects of power design in ultrasound equipment.
(See pages 46-49 of the source document.)
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Author & Publication: David G. Morrison, Editor, How2Power.com, Power Systems Design Europe, Oct 29 2011
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