Current Limiting Resistors for LEDs Focus: Although this article may be aimed more at hobbyists, engineers may find it to be a practical introduction to the topic of driving LEDs. The focus here is on the most basic technique for driving LEDs using a voltage source and resistors. But the author describes six step-by-step procedures for doing so, describing how either the resistor value or LED current may be calculated or measured under various circumstances—such as cases where a specific LED data sheet is or is not available or where only a general type of LED is specified. The effects of temperature and supply voltage, tips on driving LEDs in series or parallel, and how to determine which leads are anode and cathode, are also discussed. A few words about the value of LED driver ICs are also included.
What you’ll learn: - How to drive LEDs using current-limiting resistors
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Author & Publication: David Andrea, Engineer, EEWeb Pulse, Apr 24 2012
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