PE Engineers Face Common Challenges In Motor Drive Design Focus: Motors drives represent a truly diverse field encompassing many different application areas--
everything from aerospace to appliances, automotive to industrial, and more. But despite the
many disparities among the end products, certain motor drive requirements and design issues are
shared by power electronics (PE) engineers working on different motor-drive applications. These
design requirements and issues include the demand for higher efficiency, whether to design with
modular or discrete components, preparing for the arrival of GaN and SiC devices, and learning
how to apply advanced control methods. In this article, two engineers knowledgeable about the
development of motion control ICs and their applications explain how these issues are among the
biggest motor-drive design challenges for PE engineers. (See pages 51-54 of the source PDF.)
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Author & Publication: David G. Morrison, Editor,, Power Systems Design Europe, Apr 15 2012
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