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As All-SiC Module Emerges, GaN Powers Server Supplies


An important development in the commercialization of silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) power technology is the introduction of power modules based on these technologies. One such device from Cree is among the new SiC and GaN power products that were unveiled at the Electronica show last week in Munich. In this column, Bindra reports on this all-SiC module as well as other SiC devices introduced at the show. He also discusses Fujitsu Semiconductor’s claim of a 2.5-kW server power supply built using the company’s GaN on silicon devices and the vendor’s plans to take its GaN power devices to full production in the second half of 2013.

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Author & Publication:

Ashok Bindra, How2Power Today, How2Power Today, Nov 21 2012

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