How high-TJ TRIACs benefit your applications Focus: Triacs rated for operation at a junction temperature (TJ)of 150°C offer advantages over Triacs with the standard 125°C TJ rating in applications with higher ambient temperatures or with space limitations. Examples include small appliances such as vacuum cleaners, electric ranges, and water heaters. In this article, the authors illustrate the benefits of high-TJ Triacs by presenting results of experiments comparing standard devices with high TJ devices using the vendor’s models in each cases. These experiments illustrate how the higher temperature Triacs can be operated with a smaller heatsink, allow use of a lower current rated part, or for the same current rating permit the Triac to handle more current. The article also discusses the issue of turn-off capability as it relates to device selection.
What you’ll learn: - How to achieve higher current density or operate in higher temperature ambients by using higher temperature Triacs
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Author & Publication: Laurent Gonthier and Martial Boulin, Application Development Managers, STMicroelectronics, Power Systems Design Europe, Sep 12 2012
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