Considering high-voltage GaN Cascodes Focus: This short article explains why many of the emerging players in the GaN power
semiconductor field are adopting the cascode configuration to implement the emerging
GaN power devices of the high-voltage variety (about 600 V). Rather than offering
these lateral GaN HEMTs as discrete transistors, companies are co-packaging them with
low-voltage silicon MOSFETs and offering them as modules. This is done for ease of
use, which the author explains in terms of lessons learned with low-voltage GaN
transistors and by citing specific device characteristics. But the most interesting
passage in this article may be the specs comparison of a 50-milliohm, 650-V GaN
cascode device with a 50-milliohm, 600-V superjunction silicon MOSFET pair. The
article concludes with a description of the GaN cascode power device’s two quadrant
operation, also noting the value of this capability in the bridgeless totem pole PFC
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Author & Publication: John Roberts, GaN Systems, Power Systems Design Europe, Aug 06 2013
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