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Technology Recycles Noise Currents To Reduce Power Drain Of Digital Circuits


In systems with digital signal processing circuits, the process of bypassing the noise currents away from the supply rail ultimately creates a “throw away” dc power drain on system power sources, batteries, and capacitors. A new methodology developed by CurrentRF reduces this digital power drain without the need for costly digital design rework and as a secondary benefit, enhances the stability of the system’s power rail. This methodology has been implemented in a production-ready integrated circuit, which is then the basis for “add on” solutions to existing digital and system designs. In this article, the principles of operation behind the CC-100 Power Optimizer technology are explained at a high level and results obtained with two implementations of the technology are presented to illustrate the possible power savings. Then, the CC-100 Power Optimizer reference design and its various packaging options are discussed.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to understand a methodology for reducing power consumpotion in digital circuitry by recyclying noise currents

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Author & Publication:

Michael Hopkins, CurrentRF, Discovery Bay, Calif., How2Power Today, Apr 15 2014

This article summary appears
in the HOW2POWER Design Guide.

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