New Topology Eliminates Extra Stage Normally Required For PFC Focus: In ac-dc power converters, the usual way to obtain a high power factor is to add a boost stage and a bulk storage capacitor between the power converter and its ac input. But instead of adding on a separate power factor correction (PFC) stage, CogniPower’s Compound Converter topology blends PFC as part of the regulation process. The majority of power moves through a single stage of power conversion, reducing losses by 25% to 50%, depending on load. Efficiency improvements increase with decreasing load, making it easier to hit established targets for low-load efficiency. This article introduces the Compound Converter, and explains its principles of operation, benefits, and design guidelines. Although a Compound Converter can be implemented using off-the-shelf components, the development an application-specific controller IC for this topology would enable it to be applied in lower-power converters.
What you’ll learn: - How to improve the efficiency of power factor corrected power supplies using the Compound Converter topology
- How to integrate power factor correction within a single-stage, ac-dc power supply design
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Author & Publication: Tom Lawson, CogniPower, Malvern, Penn., How2Power Today, May 15 2014
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