Understanding Evolution Of SiC Schottkys Is Key To Device Selection Focus: Silicon carbide (SiC) power devices such as SiC Schottky diodes are being specified more frequently in a growing number of power electronics applications, especially in solar inverter designs. During the 10+ years since SiC diodes were introduced, both their device design and reliability parameters have undergone significant evolutionary changes. These changes have resulted in a broadening portfolio of SiC Schottky diodes available on the commercial market. As such, discerning design engineers should be aware of the differences between these diodes, particularly those affecting their reliability, and take them into consideration during the design cycle. This article will characterize the evolution of modern SiC Schottky diodes, from Schottky barrier to junction barrier to merged p-i-n structure, and describe the differences in their performance, reliability, and robustness. Example devices are compared in terms of select parameters such as surge current rating, reverse leakage current, and failure rates.
What you’ll learn: - How to understand the differences in devices structure, performance and reliability among SiC Schottkys available on the market
- How to understand the weaknesses within certain SiC Schottky device structures
- How to determine SiC Schottky device type based on vendor specifications or user measurements
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Author & Publication: Thomas Barbieri, Cree, Durham, N.C., How2Power Today, Aug 17 2015
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