Correct Snubber Power Loss Estimate Saves the Day Focus: This article looks at the assumptions behind the formula for resistor power dissipation in an
RC snubber (P=CV2f), and then does an analysis to determine the true power dissipation based on
actual circuit conditions. A new equation is derived that accounts for the fact that the
voltage seen by the snubber is not always a step function. Rather than being a perfect square
wave with infinitely fast edges, the switch-node voltage waveform has finite rise and fall
times. A case study illustrates the value of the newly derived equation for snubber
dissipation. The article also explains under what conditions designers can apply the original,
step-function-based formula for resistor power dissipation. Results are verified by performing
a SIMPLIS simulation.
What you’ll learn: - How to determine the actual power dissipation of the resistor in an RC snubber
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Author & Publication: by Nazzareno (Reno) Rossetti and Rayleigh Lan, Maxim Integrated, San Jose, Calif., How2Power Today, Dec 15 2016
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