Improving Loop-Gain Performance In Digital Power Supplies With Latest-Generation DSCs Focus: In a digital power supply unit (PSU) several microcontroller-related factors impact loop-gain
performance. These factors include maximum sampling rate, time required to execute compensator
algorithm(s), sampling/conversion time of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and
microcontroller operating speed. For converters employing peak-current-mode control, the speed
of the comparator and the accuracy/speed of the control digital-to-analog converter (DAC) will
also have an impact on the PSU loop-gain performance. All of these factors need to be
considered when selecting a microcontroller or digital signal controller (DSC) for a given
application. This article discusses the role of these factors and examines how improvements in
the dsPIC33EP ‘GS’ series of DSCs such as higher operating frequency, alternate working
registers, and an improved ADC can help improve loop-gain performance for the next generation
of power supplies. Specifically, these improvements enable higher sampling rates of the control
loop(s) and mitigate phase erosion.
What you’ll learn: - How to understand which microcontroller characteristics influence a power supply’s control loop
performance when implementing digital power control
- How to understand what factors to consider when selecting a microcontroller or digital signal
controller for digital power supply applications
- How to achieve higher sampling rates of the control loop(s) and mitigate phase erosion when
implementing digital power control
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Author & Publication: Alex Dumais, Microchip Technology, Chandler, Ariz, How2Power Today, Mar 15 2016
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