Mixed-Signal Matrix IC Eases Control Of Three-Phase AC Systems Focus: This article will demonstrate how to control each phase of a three-phase ac system using a
Silego GreenPAK SLG46140 programmable mixed-signal matrix IC. It does this by turning on
and off three TRIACs at precise time intervals that are synchronized with a corresponding
ac phase. In the design presented here, the GreenPAK device controls three different-
colored incandescent lightbulbs. Each TRIAC is turned on for a certain part of the ac sine
wave, a technique called leading-edge cutting. This technique allows us to dim the
lightbulbs by creating an ac PWM signal to reduce their duty cycle. This technique can
also be used to control other types of loads. However, for inductive ac loads like fans or
ac motors, the ac signal cutting must be done with care, as heavy motors behave
unpredictably at low voltages.
What you’ll learn: - How to adjust the duty cycle of three-phase ac power for control of lamps or motors
- How to implement leading-edge cutting on ac power waveforms using mixed-signal matrix ICs
and TRIACs
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Author & Publication: Bilal Ahmed, Silego Technology, Santa Clara, Calif., How2Power Today, May 16 2017
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