Configurable IC Implements Low-Cost Class D Audio Amplifier For IoT Devices Focus: In the consumer market, there are numerous battery-powered devices containing buzzers and
inexpensive speakers. Because battery runtime is critical in such applications, many of these
devices could benefit from the high efficiency of class D audio amplifiers. Small design size
and low cost are also valued in these applications. This article describes how a GreenPAK
SLG46140 configurable IC can be used to create a simple, small, low-cost class D audio
amplifier. Because just a portion of the chip’s resources are required to build the amplifier,
other functionality and glue logic can be implemented within the same chip.
What you’ll learn: - How to implement a small, low cost class D audio amplifier for battery powered devices with audio
- How to design an efficient, low-cost audio amplifier for IoT applications
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Author & Publication: David Riedell, Dialog Semiconductor, Santa Clara, Calif., How2Power Today, Nov 16 2017
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