Estimating Output Current Tolerance Of A Primary–Side-Regulated Constant-Current Flyback Converter (Part 2): Monte Carlo Analysis Focus: Part 1 derived an analytical model of the primary-side-regulated flyback converter operating
under constant-current control, which allows us to estimate the accuracy of the flyback output
current in LED driver applications. Here in part 2, this model is used to determine the worst-
case output current accuracy of an example flyback design by performing a Monte Carlo analysis.
Article begins by noting what parameters are considered in this analysis, and reviews the three
types of worst case analysis—extreme value analysis, sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo
analysis (MCA). The ability of the analytical model to run a faster Monte Carlo analysis
than Spice simulation is explained. Then the design parameters to be studied are discussed
followed by details on the parameters and their dispersions. Next comes a detailed explanation
of how the MCA is performed for a converter based on the NCL30082 PSR controller and the
resulting output current distribution is presented. A similar analysis is carried out using
SIMPLIS, which verifies the results obtained with the analytical model.
What you’ll learn: - How to estimate the output current accuracy of a PSR constant-current-output flyback converter
using Monte Carlo analysis
- How to speed up worst-case analysis of output current accuracy for a PSR constant-current-output
flyback converter
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Author & Publication: Stéphanie Cannenterre, ON Semiconductor, Toulouse, France, How2Power Today, Feb 16 2018
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