Online Simulation Validates Output Error Budget Analysis For Buck Converter Focus: A buck converter design for a particular Maxim customer specified a tight output voltage
tolerance across all operating conditions. To ensure the ensuing design met this goal, it was
necessary to perform an output voltage error budget analysis. In general, the biggest
contributor to the error is the output droop consequent to the load step. However, using
different methods to estimate the droop led to different results. In this article, the authors
perform an output error budget analysis for a buck converter design. In estimating the droop
amplitude, they compare a simulated result (obtained using Maxim’s EE-Sim, a SIMPLIS-based
design tool), with two different back-of-the-envelope (CdV/dt and LC resonant) estimates and
reconcile the different approaches.
What you’ll learn: - How to determine when to use the Cdv/dt method versus the LC resonant method when estimating
output voltage droop for a voltage regulator design
- How to estimate output voltage tolerance for a voltage regulator design
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Author & Publication: Brooks Leman, Mark Fortunato and Nazzareno (Reno) Rossetti, Maxim Integrated, San Jose, Calif., How2Power Today, Jan 15 2018
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