Analyzing The Effect of Voltage Drops On The DC Transfer Function Of The Buck Converter Focus: Switching converters combine passive elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors but
also active devices like power switches. When you study a power converter most of these
components are considered ideal: when switches close they do not drop voltage across their
terminals, inductors do not feature ohmic losses and so on. In reality, all these
elements, either passive or active, are far from being perfect. This article studies the
effects of various voltage drops on the dc transfer function of a buck converter operated
in continuous conduction mode. It also applies this analysis to a forward converter, which
is a buck-derived topology. When the voltage drops and parasitics are included in the
models, it is seen the duty cycle increases from that of the ideal state. Results are
verified with simulation of popular application examples and implications for converter
design are discussed.
What you’ll learn: - How to model the effects of various voltage drops on the dc transfer function of a buck
converter operated in CCM
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Author & Publication: Christophe Basso, ON Semiconductor, Toulouse, France, How2Power Today, May 15 2018
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