Integrated Current Limiter Eases Power Protection In High-Voltage Space Applications Focus: Latched current limiters (LCLs) have been extensively used in the aerospace
environment, especially in the European institutional missions and for many years have
been the fundamental power protection devices in earth observation satellites.
However, these are routinely implemented using discrete components. The European Space
Agency proposed development of an integrated current limiter of universal use, which
gave rise to the RHRPMICL1A IC, a rad-hard integrated current limiter (ICL). A high-
voltage application solution described in this article allows its use in a power bus
of 100 V or higher such as those increasingly required in satellites (mainly telecom).
This article provides a brief overview of the RHRPMICL1A’s main features, describes
circuit-level details of how to use the device in the intended applications, and
presents some experimental results demonstrating its performance.
What you’ll learn: - How to apply the RHRPMICL1A IC rad-hard integrated current limiter in high-voltage
satellite power buses
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Author & Publication: Salvo Pappalardo, STMicroelectronics, Milan, Italy and Ignazio Mirabella, STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy, How2Power Today, Dec 13 2019
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