High-Power Wireless Charging For EVs (Part 1): Understanding The Basics Focus: This short article explains the principles of operation for high-power wireless
chargers in the range of 250 kW that are being developed for charging commercial EVs
(including buses and trucks) and industrial equipment. The characteristics of power
transfer in a wireless charger are compared and contrasted with those of a conductive
or wired charger. In particular, the impact of the wide gap leading to poor coupling
and high leakage inductance in high-power wireless chargers is discussed.
What you’ll learn: - How to understand the principles of operation for high-power (250-kW) wireless EV
- How to understand the impact of leakage inductance in high-power wireless EV charging
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Author & Publication: Patrice Lethellier, WAVE, Salt Lake City, Utah, How2Power Today, Jan 16 2019
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