Another Look At The Refined Model Of Current-Mode Control Focus: The analysis of current-model control in power conversion has a long history,
encompassing different approaches that capture different aspects of converter behavior.
These different forms of current-loop models have evolved as their developers have
attempted to improve their accuracy or completeness. First-generation models by
Middlebrook, Macsimović and Erickson were followed by Ridley’s sampled-loop model and
then Middlebrook and Tan’s unified model. In a previous article series on peak-current
control, the author described the development and evolution of these different current-
loop models and how they led to his development of a new model called the refined model
of current-loop control. For those not yet familiar with the refined model and those
generally curious about modeling of current-mode control, this article offers a summary
of the earlier seven-part series.
What you’ll learn: - How to understand the different models that explain operation of current-mode control in
power converters
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Author & Publication: Dennis Feucht, Innovatia Laboratories, Cayo, Belize, How2Power Today, May 15 2019
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