Choosing The Best Operating Mode In An Ultra-Low-IQ Buck Converter Focus: Through ultra-low-power techniques and ultra-low quiescent current, a stepdown converter IC
extends the battery run time in portable devices such as earbuds, sensors and smart meters. But
a buck converter must still meet the performance needs of the system, such as responding to
load transients from a radio or limiting noise when powering a data converter. To do this, the
TPS62840 buck converter IC employs five operating modes: shutdown, power-save, forced pulse-
width modulation, 100% and stop mode. This article explains their impact on IQ, their system
benefits, and how each mode supplies the required performance while drawing appropriately low
What you’ll learn: - How to understand the different levels of power savings enabled by the five operating modes of the
TPS62840 buck converter IC
- How to extend battery run time in portable devices such as earbuds, sensors and smart meters
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Author & Publication: Chris Glaser, Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, How2Power Today, Apr 15 2020
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