More-Efficient Boost Converter Extends Battery Life For Wearable Medical Patches Focus: When using a single disposable zinc-air battery in combination with a typical boost
converter IC to power a wearable medical patch placed on a patient’s chest, it is a
challenge to achieve the required five-day runtime. However use of a high-efficiency,
low-quiescent boost converter such as the MAX17224 nanoPower synchronous boost
converter makes it possible to meet and exceed the runtime requirement. This article
describes the power consumption profile of an example wearable medical patch, and
explains how this profile is used to calculate battery run time given the specified
battery capacity. It then calculates the runtime provided in this application by the
MAX17224 and contrasts this runtime with that of a competing boost converter IC.
What you’ll learn: - How to extend battery runtime for wearable medical patches by using the MAX17224 boost
- How to calculate battery runtime in wearable devices and other applications
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Author & Publication: Eddie Lee and Nazzareno (Reno) Rossetti, Maxim Integrated, San Jose, Calif., How2Power Today, Feb 14 2020
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