A Four-Decade, Integrated Current-Sensing Solution With Extended Supply Range Focus: There is a growing need to measure a wide range of current in a system from miniscule
current levels up to several amperes. Current-sense amplifiers used in combination with
external sense resistors are a traditional choice for measuring current in these types of
applications. However, there are performance limitations associated with this option,
particularly with respect to dynamic range. This article introduces a resistorless,
greater than four-decade dynamic range current-sensing solution and describes a simple
method to extend its supply voltage range from 6 V up to 36 V using only a Zener diode and
two MOSFETs. The MAX40016 is featured as an example with schematic and test results.
However, the technique is a generic one that can be used to extend the common mode for any
current-sense amplifier, particularly those versions with current output.
What you’ll learn: - How to implement a current-sense amplifier with wide dynamic range, high accuracy and
extended supply voltage range
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Author & Publication: Bich Pham and Ashwin Badrinarayanan, Maxim Integrated, San Jose, Calif., How2Power Today, Apr 15 2021
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