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SEE Testing On GaN FETs—Interpreting Results For Space Power Applications


GaN power devices provide advantages over traditional silicon, allowing power management solutions to achieve higher efficiencies in a smaller PCB footprint, while also being inherently radiation hard to total ionizing dose (TID). Still, their performance with respect to single event effects (SEE) requires further investigation. This article will discuss the SEE tests performed on three power GaN FETs (40 V, 100 V and 200 V) from Renesas Electronics. These tests, which measured leakage current (IDSS) under various VDSS and LET conditions, were performed to determine the susceptibility of these devices to single-event burnout due to a heavy ion-induced increase in leakage current. After presenting the test results, a method is proposed for a worst-case analysis (WCA) of the increase in IDSS due to SEE under practical operating conditions for applications with low earth and geostationary orbits. This analysis is then used to assess the vulnerability of the three GaN power devices to SEE in real-world conditions.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to test and evaluate GaN power devices for susceptibility to single-event effects

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Author & Publication:

Kiran Bernard, Renesas Electronics America, Palm Bay, Fla., How2Power Today, Apr 15 2022

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