The Importance Of Knowing Magnetic Core Saturation Field Strength For Accurate Hysteresis Loss Calculation | 01/15/25 |
Using VNA Software To Build Measurement-Based Models | 11/15/24 |
Designing An Open-Source Power Inverter (Part 21): Converter Inductor Winding Design | 11/15/24 |
Designing An Open-Source Power Inverter (Part 20): Converter Inductor Magnetic Design | 10/15/24 |
Can Foil Folding Improve Winding Performance In Transformers? | 09/13/24 |
How Active EMI Filter ICs Reduce Common-Mode Emissions In Single- And Three-Phase Applications (Part 1): An Overview | 11/15/23 |
Inductor Saturation Model Supports Analysis Of Inductor And Transformer Designs | 11/15/23 |
Analysis Of Core Hysteresis Loss Underscores Transformer Efficiency Challenges | 02/15/23 |
Using Current Transformer In Core Saturating Mode Enables DC Current Measurements | 10/14/22 |
Roshen’s Models Offer An Advanced Approach To Modeling Core Losses | 09/15/22 |
Transformer Design Pitfalls (Part 2): Demonstrating Stepup Difficulties | 08/15/22 |
Transformer Design Pitfalls: Stepup Is Not As Easy As Stepdown | 07/15/22 |
Calculating Minimum Magnetic Core Size For A Transformer | 05/13/22 |
A Guide To Automating Layout Of Planar Magnetic Designs | 04/15/22 |
Analysis Of Energy Storage Inductor Eases Converter Design | 03/15/22 |
A Simple Magnetic Design Procedure Determines Core Size | 02/15/22 |
A Simplified Winding Design Procedure For Transformers | 01/14/22 |
Stored Energy In A Saturating Inductor Is Not Constant | 11/15/21 |
Determining Optimal Wire Size For Toroidal Windings | 10/15/21 |
Transformer Winding Design: Bundle Layer Approximation As Rings | 09/15/21 |
Zener Diode Selection For Faster Inductor Reset in Solenoid Circuits | 08/15/21 |
Find A Transformer’s Turns, Phasing And Coupling Factor With An RLC Bridge | 08/13/21 |
Developing A 25-kW SiC-Based Fast DC Charger (Part 4): Design Considerations And Simulation Of The DC-DC Stage | 07/15/21 |
The Basics of Conducted Emissions Testing for Switch Mode Power Supply Designs | 05/29/21 |
Misconceptions In Power Magnetics | 05/14/21 |
Bunched Vs. Cabled: Litz Wire Bundle Twist Geometry Influences Proximity Effects | 04/15/21 |
Determining Design Power Over An Input Voltage Range (Part 3): Maximum Transformer Power | 03/15/21 |
Determining Design Power Over An Input Voltage Range (Part 2): Inductor Design Power | 02/15/21 |
Using Volt-Second Integral Instead Of Winding Current To Predict Saturation | 01/15/21 |
A Quick Way To Determine Power Supply Output Resistance | 11/16/20 |
Determining Design Power Over An Input Voltage Range (Part 1): Maximum Inductor Power | 11/16/20 |
Foil Vs. Wire Windings—How Do They Differ? | 10/15/20 |
More About No-Load Operation In Current Transformers—Creating Real World Models | 08/14/20 |
Interstitial Wire Interleaving Packs More Conductor Into Magnetic Windings | 07/15/20 |
Understanding Core Magnetization In Current Transformers—Avoiding Saturation And Dangerous Output Voltage | 05/15/20 |
Optimize Inductor Design To Minimize Output-Filter Size | 04/15/20 |
How To Choose Magnetics Materials—Beyond Ferrites And Iron-Powder | 03/13/20 |
PFC (Part 2): How Current Harmonics Cause Distortion And The Role of the Delta-Wye Transformer | 03/13/20 |
GaN-Based Wireless Power Enables Efficient, Seamless Multi-Device Charging | 02/14/20 |
Debunking The Gapped Inductor Myth | 02/14/20 |
Deflux Windings Benefit Forward Converters But Not Flybacks | 01/17/20 |
Flyback Magnetics: Winding-Current Transition Is Key To Efficiency | 11/15/19 |
Magnetics Utilization Vs. Converter Topology: A Little Extra Silicon Goes A Long Way | 10/17/19 |
Waveform-Based Design: Key Parameters And Figures Of Merit For Power Circuit And Magnetics Optimization | 09/16/19 |
Square Vs. Round Core Legs—Balancing Core And Winding Losses | 08/15/19 |
What Is Litz Wire and Its Applications? | 08/13/19 |
Designing Low-Power Flyback Inductors Using Tiny Toroids (Part 2): Calculating Losses | 07/15/19 |
Designing Low-Power Flyback Inductors Using Tiny Toroids (Part 1): A Boost Converter Application | 06/17/19 |
How To Optimize Turns For Maximum Inductance With Core Saturation | 04/15/19 |
How To Thermally Model Magnetic Components | 03/15/19 |
How Wire Bundle Configurations Influence Eddy-Current Proximity Effects | 02/15/19 |
Designing Energy Storing Inductors Properly | 01/16/19 |
Interbundle Penetration Of Wire Bundles Improves Their Packing Factor | 11/15/18 |
Wire Spool Holders And Toroid Mounts Ease Prototyping Of Magnetic Parts | 10/15/18 |
Optimizing Transformer Winding Design For Max Efficiency Over Output Current Range | 09/14/18 |
Selecting An Inductor Value For A DC-DC Boost Converter | 07/16/18 |
The Geometry Of Twisted Wire Bundles | 07/16/18 |
Bundle Compression Overcomes Aspect Ratio Constraints On Transformer Design | 06/15/18 |
Magnetic-Electric Analogs Relate Magnetic Fields To Familiar Circuit Quantities | 05/16/18 |
The size of LLC converters magnetics: Frequency dependence | 03/29/18 |
Modeling Of The Sen Transformer Using An Electromagnetic Transients Program | 03/21/18 |
Winding Layering Techniques Determine Interlayer Capacitance | 03/21/18 |
Transformer Design (Part 2): Aspect Ratio | 02/16/18 |
EMI For Wisdom Seekers (Part 3): Differential Mode Noise Versus Common Mode Noise | 01/15/18 |
Transformer Design (Part 1): Maximizing Core Utilization | 01/15/18 |
A New Method Of Winding Design Optimization (Part 3): Magnetic Operating Points For Toroidal Windings | 11/16/17 |
A New Method Of Winding Design Optimization (Part 2): Optimal Window Magnetic Operating Points | 10/16/17 |
A New Method Of Winding Design Optimization (Part 1): Window Geometry And Eddy-Current Plots | 09/15/17 |
Ferrite Core Magnetics (Part 2): Gapped Ferrite Cores | 08/15/17 |
Ferrite Core Magnetics (Part 1): Ungapped Ferrite Cores | 07/14/17 |
Magnetic Component Theory Is Simpler If You Grasp Reference Frames | 06/15/17 |
Magnetics Optimization (Part 4): Minimization Of Transductor Power Loss | 05/16/17 |
Magnetics Optimization (Part 3): Maximum Power Transfer Of Magnetics Circuit Model | 04/17/17 |
Magnetizable Concrete Paves The Way For EV Charging And Low-Cost Power Magnetics | 04/17/17 |
Eddy-Current Effects In Magnetic Design (Part 6): Winding Bundles | 03/17/17 |
Triad Magnetics’ Guide to Inductors: Basics of Inductors | 03/02/17 |
Eddy-Current Effects In Magnetic Design (Part 5): Winding Design Optimization | 02/17/17 |
Eddy-Current Effects In Magnetic Design (Part 4): Dowell's Formula | 01/16/17 |
How To Calculate Winding Packing Factor | 11/16/16 |
Generate Hysteresis Curves From Magnetic Core Datasheet Parameters | 11/15/16 |
Eddy-Current Effects In Magnetic Design (Part 3): Conductor Cross-Sectional Geometry | 10/17/16 |
Eddy-Current Effects In Magnetic Design (Part 2): The Proximity Effect | 09/15/16 |
Modeling Magnetic Core Offers Insight into Behavior, Operating Range, Saturation | 09/09/16 |
Eddy-Current Effects In Magnetic Design (Part 1): The Skin Effect | 08/15/16 |
Four-Terminal Inductor Achieves High-Accuracy Current Measurements For POLs (Part 2): Sources Of Error | 07/15/16 |
Sizing Your Power Converter's Magnetics (Part 3): Transformer Power Rating With An Input Voltage Range | 06/15/16 |
Sizing Your Power Converter's Magnetics (Part 2): Inductor Power Rating With An Input Voltage Range | 05/16/16 |
Sizing Your Power Converter's Magnetics (Part 1): Inductor Power Rating With Fixed Input Voltage | 04/18/16 |
Coil Formers in Today's Electronic Manufacturing Environment | 03/14/16 |
Four-Terminal Inductor Achieves High-Accuracy Current Measurements For POLs (Part 1): Inductor Design | 02/16/16 |
Power Transformer Design Simplified—Really! | 01/15/16 |
Leakage Inductance (Part 1): Friend Or Foe? | 10/15/15 |
Magnetics Optimization (Part 2): Maximum Power Transfer Of The Primary-Referred Circuit | 09/16/15 |
Magnetics Optimization (Part 1): Equal Core And Winding Losses Do Not Maximize Power Transfer | 09/15/15 |
Area-Product Method Can Simplify Core Selection—But Beware Of The "Constants" | 08/17/15 |
Nano-Magnetics For High Efficiency Power Supplies | 05/15/15 |
Determining Maximum Usable Switching Frequency For Magnetics In CCM-Operated Converters | 04/16/15 |
Practical Power Flow Controller Brings Benefits Of Power Electronics To The Grid | 03/13/15 |
The Shape Of Optimal Magnetics: Why Flatter Is Better | 03/13/15 |
Partial BCM Mode Of Operation Improves Efficiency For Primary-Side Regulated Flyback LED Driver | 02/15/15 |
Choose The Right Regulator For The Right Job (Part 3) | 02/15/15 |
Common-Mode Transformer Aids Noise Reduction In High-Power Supplies | 01/15/15 |
3D FEA Software Solves Tough Inductive Noise Problems | 10/15/14 |
Latest Generation Of 3D Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis Software With Breakthrough Simplicity Facilitates Magnetic Component Design | 09/15/14 |
Cutting Power Transformer Size In Half While Doubling Transistor Efficiency: It's All In The Topology | 06/13/14 |
What Is To Be Optimized In Magnetic Component Design? | 05/15/14 |
Power Supply Failure Survey--Part III | 04/06/14 |
How are SiC and GaN Catching up to Planar Magnetics? | 03/20/14 |
Single-Bundle Windings Make It Easier To Build Custom Magnetics In-House | 03/14/14 |
Understanding Tradeoffs In Core Geometry Aids Transductor Design | 02/15/14 |
Matrix Transformers May Find New Life In the SiC and GaN Era | 12/16/13 |
How To Calculate Toroid Winding Length | 09/16/13 |
Inductors for the Uninitiated | 08/21/13 |
Troubleshooting Distributed Power Systems (Part 3): Measuring Impedance Using Vector Network Analyzers (One-Port Tests) | 08/15/13 |
How Not To Observe Magnetic Saturation | 07/15/13 |
How To Choose Magnetic Core Size | 05/15/13 |
How To Choose Between Ferrite Or Powdered-Iron Cores: A Case Study | 02/15/13 |
Magnetically Isolated Digital Coupling Circuit Solves Gate Drive and Communications Dilemmas | 03/30/12 |
Core Geometry Coefficient For Resonant Inductors | 11/30/11 |
PaytonTechV1Review: Benefits of Planar Magnetics | 09/16/11 |
How To Implement A 5-W Wireless Power System | 07/27/11 |
Utilizing Full Saturation and Power Loss To Maximize Power Transfer In Magnetic Components | 02/28/11 |
Embed Your Planar Magnetics To Maximize DC-DC Converter Performance (Part 2) | 10/22/10 |
Embed Your Planar Magnetics To Maximize DC-DC Converter Performance (Part 1) | 09/24/10 |
Software Speeds Transformer Design For AC-DC Power Supplies | 03/30/10 |
Modeling of Integrated Magnetics Components | 03/30/10 |
Digital Isolators: A Space-Saving Alternative to Gate-Drive Transformers in DC-DC Converters | 03/30/10 |
Basic Operation - Rogowski Current Transducers | 03/10/10 |
Testing Military Grade Magnetics: Transformers, Inductors and Coils | 01/26/10 |
What every designer should know about magnetics in switch-mode power supplies | 11/26/09 |
Push-Pull Output Inductor Design Using a LPT E2000Q Core | 10/28/09 |
Measuring Transformer Distributed Capacitance | 10/27/09 |
Current-Sense Transformer Application Design Guidelines | 10/26/09 |
Switch Mode Power Supplies and their Magnetics | 10/26/09 |
Definitions And Measurement Techniques For Transformers And Inductors | 10/26/09 |
Debunking Transformer Performance Myths | 10/22/09 |
Don't Let Jitter Shake Up Your Flyback Converter Designs | 07/24/09 |
150 W Power Factor Corrected LLC Power Supply Using HiperPLC (PLC810PG) | 05/11/09 |
New LED Applications are Unfamiliar Territory, Tools Help Designers with Inductor Selection | 05/01/09 |
Improving the Efficiency of PFC Stages Using Interleaved BCM | 04/27/09 |
SEPIC Converters Solve Automotive Power Needs Part 2 | 04/01/09 |
SEPIC Converters Solve Automotive Power Needs Part 1 | 03/01/09 |
What to look for in a medical power supply | 03/01/09 |
Isolated LED Driver Using the HV9910B | 02/20/09 |
Optimising PFC Boost Converter Design | 02/01/09 |
EMI Filtering -- How to Get the Lowest Noise (A Vicor Power Techtorial) | 12/31/08 |
An Efficiency Primer for Switch-Mode, DC-DC Converter Power Supplies | 12/23/08 |
Minimize Winding Losses in High-Frequency Inductors | 07/01/08 |
Trick A BJT-Based Converter Into Starting At Only 250 mV DC | 06/26/08 |
Designing a SEPIC Converter | 04/30/08 |
75 W Output, High Efficiency, Single Stage Flyback Power Supply With PFC for LED Ballasts | 04/01/08 |
An introduction to LLC resonant half-bridge converter | 02/10/08 |
Expedite Transformer Calculations for Flybacks | 01/01/08 |
How Transformers, Chokes and Inductors Work, and Properties of Magnetics | 01/01/08 |
Half-bridge LLC Resonant Converter Design Using FSFR-series Fairchild Power Switch (FPS) | 10/09/07 |
Designing Single-Switch, Resonant-Reset, Forward Converters | 08/07/07 |
Forward-Converter Design Leverages Clever Magnetics Part 2 | 08/01/07 |
Forward-Converter Design Leverages Clever Magnetics Part 1 | 07/01/07 |
Low-cost current monitor tracks high dc currents | 03/01/07 |
Wide range 400W L6599-based HB LLC resonant converter for PDP application | 02/28/07 |
A Guide to Designing Gate-Drive Transformers | 01/01/07 |
Ideas on DC-DC Converters for Delivery of Low Voltage and High Currents for the SLHC/ILC Detector Electronics in Magnetic field and Radiation environments | 09/25/06 |
Buck-Converter Design Demystified | 06/01/06 |
Switching Regulator Inductor Design | 04/01/06 |
Optimizing Single-Stage Power Factor Correction | 03/01/06 |
Coupled Inductors Improve Multiphase Buck Efficiency | 01/01/06 |
24 W Primary-side Regulated Flyback Power Supply using TOP245Y | 12/07/05 |
Designing Single-Switch Forward Converters | 10/01/05 |
Scaling Design Methods To Improve Transformers | 10/01/05 |
Squeeze More Performance Out of Toroidal Inductors | 10/01/05 |
EMI Considerations in Selecting AC/DC Switching Power Supplies | 09/01/05 |
Minimizing Switching Regulator Residue in Linear Regulator Outputs | 07/01/05 |
Estimate Inductor Losses Easily in Power Supply Designs | 04/01/05 |
Inductor Current-Sensing Boosts Regulator Efficiency | 04/01/05 |
Modeling Integrated Magnetic Components | 03/01/05 |
Exploiting Integrated Planar Magnetics | 01/01/05 |
Circuit Analysis Accounts For Magnetic Fields | 11/01/04 |
Power Transformer Attenuates Harmonics | 10/01/04 |
Analysis of Closed-Loop DC-DC Converters | 10/01/04 |
Estimating Temperature Rise of Transformers | 07/01/04 |
Active Clamp Transformer Reset: High or Low Side? | 07/01/04 |
Navigating the IEEE 802.3af Standard for PoE | 06/01/04 |
Designing Switchmode Transformers for Optimum Efficiency | 06/01/04 |
Inductor Current Rating for a Buck-Boost Converter | 05/01/04 |
Magnetic Solutions: Solving Inrush at the Source | 04/01/04 |
Tapped-Inductor Boost Converter Yields Dime-Size Supply | 04/01/04 |
Current-Doubler Rectifier Reduces Ripple Current | 03/01/04 |
Half-bridge Circuit Behavior | 02/27/04 |
Thermal Management of Planar Magnetics | 02/01/04 |
Active Clamp Resets Transformer in Converters | 01/01/04 |
Inductor Core Material: The Heart of an Inductor | 01/01/04 |
ZVS Resonant Converter For Consumer Application Using L6598 IC | 09/01/03 |
Building a Power Supply That Works | 02/20/03 |
Designing DC/DC converters based on SEPIC topology | 01/02/03 |
Design Guidelines for Off-line Forward Converters Using Fairchild Power Switch (FPS) | 01/01/03 |
Planar Power Magnetics; Cost Effective, Low-Profile Transformer and Inductor Designs, Part 2 | 09/01/02 |
Proper Layout and Component Selection Controls EMI | 08/21/02 |
Characterizing Space-Flight Inductors and Transformer Failures | 08/01/02 |
Planar Power Magnetics; New Low-Profile Approaches for Low-Cost Magnetics Designs (Part I) | 07/01/02 |
SEPIC Equations and Component Ratings | 04/23/02 |
Magnetics Design for Switching Power Supplies, Section 1 | 01/01/01 |
The Benefits of Planar Magnetics in HF Power Conversion | 01/01/01 |
A New Procedure for High-Frequency Electronic Ballast Design | 10/12/98 |
A Monolithic Switching Regulator with 100mV Output Noise | 10/01/97 |
EMI and Power Supplies in Medical Electronics | 02/01/97 |
Planar Magnetic Component Development | 09/01/94 |